本网讯 2018年12月18、19日,美国东卡罗莱纳大学英语系Su-ching Huang副教授应邀前来beat365官网讲学。本次学术活动由英文学院与广外国际处主办,并得到广东外语外贸大学海外名师讲学项目资助。
第一场活动为学术讲座。黄教授根据其研究成果,做了题为“Chinese Bodies in Motion:Kung Fu Panda and Transnational Martial Arts Film”的演讲展示,通过探讨莱坞电影《功夫熊猫》所呈现的中国文化、中国元素,阐释了在跨国、跨文化传播中,该影片是如何超越、进而消除中国角色身体的种族特点的。讲座由英美文学系主任付晶晶老师主持。
第二场活动为圆桌论坛。黄教授围绕“Culinary Identities in US literature and Film”这一主题,和英文学院师生一起,通过研究与亚裔相关的美国文学与电影作品中对于饮食、烹饪的描述,探讨食品生产与消费中所隐含的种族、文化与政治意义。论坛由英文学院蔡晓燕老师主持。
第三场活动为学术讲座。在本场题为“Chinese Cuisine, American Dream: Model Minority Discourse in Cao Youfang’sAmerican Moon”的讲座中,通过对华裔作家曹又方的《美国月亮》进行分析,黄教授展现了小说中所折射出的中国男性与女性在融入美国社会过程中的差异,进而探讨了中国男性气质、女性社会地位等问题。讲座由英文学院杨静老师主持。
Su-ching Huang is associate professor of English at East Carolina University (ECU). Her current research focuses on the intersection between Sinophone writing and US literature, and transnational Sinophone cinema. She received a Fulbright study grant to pursue her PhD in the US, a research grant from the US Department of Education to research Korean American literature in South Korea, and research awards from ECU. Her book, Mobile Homes: Spatial and Cultural Negotiation in Asian American Literature, studies the discourse surrounding travels and culinary practices in Asian American literature. She has also published book chapters and journal articles on Asian American writers, Jackie Chan, and feminist theater. At East Carolina University she has taught courses in Asian American literature, multiethnic American literature, ethnic studies, Sinophone cinema, travel narratives, and cultural studies. She directed the Ethnic Studies Program at ECU from 2013-2017, and currently is the coordinator for the area of Multiethnic and Transnational Literature, Film, and Folklore in the Department of English.