2024. Book Review on Peer Interaction in Second Language Learning. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 814-817. (与刘柳合作)
2023. Review on Languaging in Language Learning and Teaching: A Collection of Empirical Studies. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 46(1), 140-149.
2021. Complementation of multiple sources of feedback in EFL learners’ writing. Assessing Writing, 49. (与单佩雯和游晓晔合作)
2020. Book review: Perspectives on Language as Action: Festschrift in Honour of Merrill Swain. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 00(00), 1-5.
2019. Effect of indirect corrective feedback with and without written languaging on L2 written accuracy: A multi-task intervention study. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (accepted) (与游晓晔合作)
2018. Effect of Proficiency Pairing on L2 Learners’ Language Learning and Scaffolding in Collaborative Writing. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 27(3), 187-195. (与姜琳和邓元合作)
2018. Oral language learning in a foreign context: Constrained or constructed? A sociocultural perspective. System, 74, 38-49. (与鲁凯伦和游晓晔合作)
2018. 关于二语写作教师书面反馈焦点、策略及成效的一项个案研究.《解放军外国语学院学报》, 41(3)91-99.(与张蕊合作)
2014. Interaction, modality, and word engagement as factors in lexical learning in a Chinese context. Language Teaching Research, 18(3),345-372. (与Rena Helms-Park合作)
2014. Chinese EFL learners’ actual word processing and lexical learning in performing a collaborative output task. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 37(3), 309-333.
2009.合作输出相对于阅读输入对二语词汇习得作用的一项试验研究. 《现代外语》, vol.32, 第3期, 46-55,2009. (中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料H1《语言文字学》2009年第12期全文转载)
2009. Effect of task-inherent production modes on EFL learners’ focus on form. Vol. 18, No. 3-4, Language awareness, 384-402.
2007.《社会文化理论和第二语言发展的起源》述介.《外语教学与研究》, 第39卷, 第4期, 314-316.
2004. 学生自改英语作文错误的一项个案研究. 《山东外语教学》, 第2期, 45-47.
Niu, R. (2012). Chinese EFL Learners' Lexical Learning Through and Within Collaborative Output. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
Niu, R. (2020). An Ecological Perspective on EFL Learners’ Oral Communication. In Jamshidnejad, Alireza (Ed.) Speaking English as a Second Language Learners’ Problems and Coping Strategies (pp. 75-101). Palgrave Macmillan.